Thursday, March 15, 2012


Well I think it's been long enough since my last entry to write about what I've been doing, and after about 5 weeks I'd say that the one thing that I could write a dissertation about is the obsession that the french have with food. Obsession may be a bit strong, but seriously you could just walk up to a random French person on the street and start a 10 minute conversation about the fabrication of bread.

Anyway, I've been lucky enough to stay with a number of family members over the past couple weeks in several regions around France and it's pretty amazing what a country the size of Texas can fit.

Caen/Normandie of course was my first destination, and was filled with plenty of outings and saw ton's of family. Went to the beach a couple of times. However, February isn't exactly the time of the year to lay out on the beach and take in the sun in Normandie, but it was still good to just hang out. Visited a couple of cool little castles William the conqueror style. Went to the landing beaches of course. Attended a French hip hop concert. Saw a hockey game interesting enough French style, which means it kind of had the atmosphere of a soccer game and the hot dogs come in a baguette with mayo (seriously) which I'm not gonna lie it was actually really good. Watched a bit of soccer on the tele along with some rugby which is fun to watch, but would probably be more interesting if I understood the rules. I was able to eat some amazing food thanks to Tata Francoise, and along the way got to try for the first time some frogs legs and escargots : ) .. Watched plenty of movies in French and one in English (never had seen the godfather and the French voice overs kind of killed the film). Overall, it was a great time. I imagine I'll be making a few more visits in the future.

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