Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mon debut

Well my time in England has finished and I've moved on to the land of my ancestors. Which has given birth to crepes, the ménage a toi, and existentialism (talladega nights)... beat that.

I began my journey fittingly in the capital of world culture, Paris. With the cost of living I was able to last a bit longer than in London, which was about 7 days as opposed to 4. Besides the pigeon-like Armenian girls trying to steal your signature and the occasional dog poop you step in on the sidewalk, Paris still has got the charm though.

Initially I claimed that London was my favorite city in the world, and even though I've been to Paris previously I've officially changed my mind. Paris is definitely the best city in the world of which I've seen. Food, architecture, history, pure genuine hatred towards Americans.. nothing like it. Alright I was just kidding about them hating Americans... it's actually the Romanians they really hate.
Seriously though greatest city in the world. Pretty much every corner you turn you could take a pic and sell it as a postcard.

I've gotten to see and do a lot so far, but I'd have to say the best part of it has been the museum of the French military. In my biased opinion, best museum in Paris. Although the louvre is pretty good. There is nothing like a good reenactment of how Napoleon beat the Spanish under unfavorable circumstances.

Pieces of advice to any visiting Paris, go see "how to become a Parisian in one hour" and make sure to pay a few visits to the patisserie. Also if you go to the louvre be prepared to be overwhelmed.

Some take home notes include how much the English and French dislike American mustard, pickles, and mayonnaise, how amusing it is to see a cross eyed cat, and be wary of people with gold teeth. Also I need someone to explain to me the significance of modern art.

Well it's on to Caen/Carpiquet. We'll see how much more English I'll forget over the next month or so. In the words of jemaine, in the context of learning French, "it's business time".

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