Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 1

Thought I'd be going on this thing more often than I have been, but now is a good time to look back on my first week in England. London was really nice. As a tourist I found out you in fact do not need a map to navigate your around. Just walk in one direction for a really long time, find some cool stuff along the way then once you get lost locals can just smell a lost tourist somehow and they pretty much just come up to you and tell you where you need to go. Also found out that Indian restaurants are deceiving, but Moroccan restaurants are awesome. In Hyde park alone exists every known breed of dog to ever exist, even the ones everyone thought were extinct. Also met some really interesting people in the hostel I stayed at. I found out that you do not need to be of youth to stay at a hostel. In the end London is still my favorite city on earth, but if I stayed there any longer I'd be eating too many apples and mixed nuts... so bloody expensive, but the free museums make up for it.. Finally anyone who goes to London needs to go to the royal Albert and Victoria museum... it's awesome, especially trajans column

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